User Mode openMosix, a virtual openMosix cluster running in User-mode
RxLinux, Web Interface for central configuration and management
Italian experiences with openMosix clusters は、そのカンファレンスでプレゼンテーションされた論文いくつかへのリンクです。 この論文は openMosix のメーリングリストで再三質問されることをカバーしています。
Osservatorio Astronomico Cagliari (pdf)Securing an openMosix cluster in an untrusted networking environment.
D.T.I. dell'Universitdi Milano, Polo didattico e ricerca, Crema (pdf) Experiences with Java and C programs on openMosix.
Riello Group (pdf) Use of openMosix for parallel I/O balancing on storage (backup)
INFM & Dept. of Physics University of Napoli (pdf) Documents a number of small to large clusters and their uses. (Includes many references to software and projects.)
Use networked Linux systems to solve your computing challenges by Daniel Robbins